
Landfarming applications are the easiest, most effective method of remediating contaminated soil and sediment.
Contaminated soils, sediments and sludge can be spread on the ground and periodically tilled to aerate and encourage bacterial growth.
Land farming has been proven most successful in treating petroleum hydrocarbons and other less volatile, biodegradable contaminants.
Soil contaminants remediated at the TDS landfarm include gasoline, diesel and jet fuels, heating and crude oils and drill cuttings.
EcoSponge, a dehydrated, densified cellulose fiber product, is applied to remediation sites to help with the bioremediation process. Once the soil contaminates are neutralized, the soil is then used as inter-medial cover on trash bales in the landfill.

TDS has also begun landfarming sewage waste from our septic pumping operations. Landfarming sewage decreases costs to our customers and provides an effective, less-expensive fertilizer for producers of dryland crops such as grass and wheat.
TDS follows all guidelines and permitting requirements from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality in our landfarm operations.
TDS Collection Service Inc. • 2126 East A Street • Torrington, Wyoming, 82240
• Phone: (307) 532-7515 • Fax: (307) 532-3467 • Email Us: [email protected]